Boosting Business with Real Estate Strategy & Alignment
Keyser's team of commercial real estate advocates have helped businesses tackle some of their greatest challenges. Browse through the case studies below to discover how Keyser's innovative strategies have delivered tangible results for businesses around the world.

Equality Health
Keyser Helps Consolidate into a 150,000 SF Cutting-edge headquarters Location
Before its grand headquarters relocation, Equality Health operated out of multiple brick buildings in the warehouse district of Phoenix. While the spaces reflected Equality Health’s fast-paced, tech-enabled start-up culture, the separated facilities created inefficiencies.
The Value Of Tenant-Only Representation in a Renewal
A leading financial services firm, tackled lease renewal complexities amidst post-pandemic workforce changes and the evolving Phoenix/Scottsdale office market.

Industrial Headquarters Relocates Across State Lines
Aviation company, KP Aviation relocates headquarters across state lines with the help of Keyser’s commercial real estate advocates™.
VB Cosmetics
Industrial R&D/ Manufacturing Facility Relocation and Expansion
From an industrial shell to fully operational in the midst of a supply chain shortage, VB Cosmetics, parent company of Dazzle Dry, leveraged Keyser’s brokerage and project management services to complete their relocation/expansion.

Upgraded Industrial Space Negotiated at 18% Below Market Rate
Keyser’s tenant-only advocates were able to maximize Keyser’s leverage and negotiating strength, ultimately achieving an 18% below market lease rate. Keyser’s negotiations also led to the accommodation of DMI’s non-traditional requests.
Relocated HQ with the Help of Keyser’s Commercial Real Estate Advocates

At Keyser, our mission is to be a relentless client champion for the tenants, business owners, and space occupiers we serve. For questions about your commercial real estate, or how we can help, please reach out to one of the Keyser advisors with the link below. We are looking forward to serving you.